Advice for AP Testing

As someone who actually cried during the AP World History Exam, I don’t know how qualified I am to give advice outside of, do not cry. I overwhelmed myself and put too much pressure on doing well on the test, that I actually began to tear up when I didn’t know the changes in Chinese lifestyle under the Tang dynasty. I spent far too much energy and far too much time on a question I could have easily skipped or guessed on. I’m sure this is obvious, but do not let yourself get caught up in yourself. If you have to, down play the importance of the exam. If you allow yourself to treat it as a slightly less big deal, you won’t stress yourself out and ultimately, you won’t cry during the exam. I give myself little pep talks before I read any passage. I remind myself that I can score well on essays and I have the skills to get a good score. If you continue to remind yourself that you are more than capable of getting a good score, you can get rid of any insecurities that might cause you to, well, cry during the AP World History Exam, or AP Literature, but this is pretty much a post directed at my past self.

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