A Letter to Instagram

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Dear Instagram,

tbh I want to delete you. It’s like every time I have a free minute, I’m scrolling. And like even when I run out of scrolling on my own feed, I click on my recommended and go through that feed. Why are you so addicting? It’s not even fair. You are the only app I use regularly outside of spotify, but I can’t jam on instagram. I mean really, you have taken over my free time, even my not free time. When I’m “doing hw” I’m actually just scrolling through you. I want to delete the app, I really freaking do. But I can’t get enough. There’s something always. Whether it’s zodiac stuff or make up videos or memes, I can find something entertaining about you. And it’s soooooo frustrating.

Whenever I’m bored, you are what I turn to. I could turn to like, walking outside or reading or something mildly productive. But of course, I get trapped scrolling and I’m like, stuck. The worst thing, tho, isn’t even that I get trapped. It’s that I get on your app, and I get serious FOMO. It’s like, oh look all these girls are on the beach for spring break. I wanna do that! I’m stuck at school and I’m stuck feeling bad because I’m not on the beach like those girls on my feed.

And then I get sucked in. I like the attention when I post a picture. It’s like, dopamine gets released with every like or comment and it’s unbelievably addicting. I love the comments, I love the likes. But then instagram starts to take over everything else in my life. It’s like I can’t go somewhere or do something without taking pictures to post. It’s annoying, but like, I can’t freaking stop. I’m so tempted to press delete, but I can’t do it. I want to get rid of you, clean up my phone and get back to like, actually living my life.


5 thoughts on “A Letter to Instagram”

  1. I struggle with this addiction as well and though I think I am taking time for myself, I realize it is consumed in dangerous comparisons instead. I find so much power and joy when I lock my phone and instead pick up a book or go for a walk. Thanks for this reminder.


  2. I have NEVER related to a blog post more. I have a horrible, unhealthy addiction to Instagram and my phone in general. That part about dopamine is so true!


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