The Question of Motivation


To do my blog post or not to do my blog post – that is the question:

Whether ’tis easier to type out the 300 words

The thought and the time required to get a 10/10

Or to watch Netflix against the looming threat of a ‘B’

And Mrs. Brooks impending wrath. To write, to complete the assignment

I don’t want to– and Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 2 lies waiting

The procrastination– how I wish I could be done with Highschool. To write, to complete the assignment-

Tis an effort I do not have the motivation to produce: ay, Season 3 promises to be amazing

For in that abyss of entertainment what else lies within the recommended section

That I wish to explore, to watch, to enjoy.

I need to write this blog post. There’s the desire

To excel, to feel the satisfaction of completion.

For who would procastinate for hours

Watching a mindless and unrealistic show,  set in the Upper East Side of New York

That lacks real depth, yet is so addicting.

Netflix, the satisfaction of completion

The fear of Mrs. Brooks wrath, “the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite”

The desire to conquer senioritis, and the fear of the final

That blog post waiting to be written,

When she herself presses the Netflix app,

Will she ever do it? She must, yet who else

Has completed it? Ideas stolen, motivation depleating

Blair and Serena are fighting again, how can she resist?

But that dread of failure,

The undiscovered and unwanted black mark in the grade book, from which

No A-student can recover from, no extra credit can fix

And makes “xoxo Gossip Girl” stop

But can she actually complete the blog post?

281 words. She is close, she can feel it.

Thus procrastination makes failures of us all,

And thus the ever pressing fear of a ‘B’

Is sickled over with the desire for mindless drama

And Dan slept with Georgina

With this detail how can she resist clicking “next episode”?

While the blog post waits for completion

With this regard she finishes the post.

And then clicks play.

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